Friday, May 30, 2008

A poem about loss

This is a poem I wrote a few years ago, when the mother of a close friend of mine in Germany passed away. Through my friendship with her daughter, this amazing Lady and I became friends, and her passing away was really my first encounter with the loss of a person close to my heart. As a result, I started thinking a lot about death and about losing people and about different ways of looking at it all, and started writing. I had this poem locked inside my computer for years now. In the past year several of my friends have gone through sad times and had to let go of people they loved. I remembered my little poem and decided to post it.
So - here it goes:

Life and death

A tired body ready to leave,
No more to live for or to achieve
A life of sweat, of work, of tears
Now finds an end of pain and fears.

She closes her eyes and steps right through the gate
(She expected to stand in line and wait)
Comes by a mirror, and to her surprise
Sees herself clearly, through healthy eyes!
Her hair is full, her back is straight,
She regained all her long lost weight.
Arthritis pain she suffered from
is also magically gone.
“So – all I had to do was die”?
She asks herself and wonders why
She fought for life on earth so long,
When here is right, what there was wrong.
“Death is truly a delight”
She smiles and walks with quick steps right
Down the hall without a doubt
That death is what life’s all about.

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