(doing the stage rehearsal before the show)
I am all out of excuses for having been so bad about keeping up this blog!!! I would not be surprised if nobody even checks in anymore...; so for now, I am just writing for myself!
I got back last night from doing the Gala in Stuttgart, which was absolutely amazing.
It was one more life altering experience - one more thing to remember forever - one more thing to tell my grand children about. Oh... wait; maybe not MY grand children, but someone else's grand children.
The first great thing was that it was a long weekend with two stage rehearsals and three shows. As a dancer this meant to have sufficient time on stage to feel comfortable and also to get to know the other artists, which was great. I have met some of the most amazing people and got to watch them work; we exchanged words, experiences and we all had a great time. I got to chat with "my" musicians, who were just unbelievable... had a great time with the stage crew, and every other person involved.
At first I was a little nervous about how I would be accepted among the "serious" artists. That's the thing about being involved in comedy; will people appreciate the art and hard work that is behind the laughs and giggles? Will people who LOVE ballet realize that I do, too? Will people understand that it is not about making fun of, but about paying tribute to ballet and the Ballerina? Performing as part of the Trocks and performing a regular show with them, the audience knows what they are coming to see. They want to see guys in Tutus, and that's what they are going to get. But how will an audience react that came to see such Artists as Lucia Lacarra and Cyril Pierre? What will they say when faced with a 6 foot Ballerina?
All these questions were soon forgotten - actually within the first few minutes at the Theater. There were the Students from Mrs Keils school, teachers from the school, Choreographers, Directors, Managers, Soloists, young, old and everything in between. And wherever I looked, there were friendly faces, respectful looks and a sense of love for what was going on. I talked to the girls about point shoes (which they found quite strange), did my warm up in a separate studio with great Principal dancers from all over the world, and listened the orchestra rehearse my music through the speakers while putting on my make up.
My mom was back stage every night - actually as my costume- Lady and personal assistant. It was great to have her there, and she soon became friends with the whole heater as well. I did an interview for a newspaper article, which turned out beautifully. And on Saturday, about 30 of my closest family and friends came to see the show. It was amazing and overwhelming.
And of course... there was "La Keil" - a star, a Lady, a wonderful person, artist and woman. As a dancer who saw her perform and looked up to her from an early age on, there are no words to describe the feeling I had when being on a stage and in a show with her name all over it.
You know... life is funny;
I was quite done dancing... done with the drama and the pain and all the stuff that comes with it. But this weekend, under the given circumstances and as an individual artist who has learned a thing or two about work and life and art, I am tempted to say that I could continue THAT WAY. On some level... which I haven't figured out. I think that sometimes we forget what we have to offer; and as happy as I am about the path my life has taken in the past few months, I think I still have something to give as an artist. This weekend certainly made me feel like it. We'll see how it goes.
I was gone for only ten days... had some great home made food, some beer, a great time with my family and friends, ... but it was also nice to come back to Trenton, to Manolo and the babies. I was afraid Fiby might have forgotten about me. But then I came through the door, and she almost lost her mind of excitement. But then again... she does that, no matter who comes through that door; my little tramp!
For now, I have to wash some clothes, walk the dogs, find a place for all the chocolate I brought back from Germany, and take the day to relax and reflect.
And yes... I'll b writing more soon!!!!!!
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