Saturday, August 9, 2008

I almost killed our dogs!!!

Of course... I didn't willingly almost take our babies lives, but I still feel guilty enough.
The whole thing started last weekend, when Manolo and I noticed that both, Kitry and Fiby were very itchy. We were not quite sure what it was - Mosquito bites in the best case, fleas in the worst case. But whatever it was, it needed treatment, and it needed it NOW. We have - of course - used the flea treatment for Kitry before, and when Manolo told me to get the medication during my next PetCo visit, I thought I knew exactly what he was referring to. He even said: "get the expensive stuff...", and when I approached the anti- insect isle at the pet store the next day, I found "the right thing" within minutes.
As soon as Manolo saw the package, he showed signs of doubt. It was not the brand he was thinking of, and only when he mentioned the TV commercial Betty White does on "Lifetime, television for women" I knew what HE was thinking of. Anyway... how bad could this one be??? I got it at the pet store, for heaven's sake!
That night after dinner, we got one dog after another up on the couch, applied the liquidy stuff on both their necks, and were sure our itch- problem was about to get solved.
Kitry likes to watch TV lying on the couch, and at times Fiby sees this as her chance to play "pull Kitry off the sofa by her hair" - a fun little game that makes us laugh, Fiby happy and Kitry very annoyed. As soon as Fiby started pulling Kitry by her hair that night, I stopped her - knowing that she just grabbed Kitry by the neck hair that was soaked with the medication. I didn't think much of it, and the evening continued quietly.
And than the quiet times ended...!
Kitry was the first to act strangely. She started running through the house, barking at us from wherever she ended up running to. She "led me" to the basement door, and ran down into the dark as soon as I opened the door for her. Once downstairs, she barked again - and for those who know her, you know she never barks! She is a Lady! The symptoms got worse by the minute. Within half an hour she had what appeared to be cramps, making her jump up and scream every time one approached.
Now Fiby started acting out as well... showing the same signs, plus a swollen, burned mouth. In addition to that, she started drooling like a saint Bernard! I have never seen anything like it, and we began to lose our minds with two sick babies on our hands! Both of them got very needy for attention - barking at us as soon as we stopped padding them.
The situation got worse and worse, and it became clear that the four of us were in for a very long night.
At two in the morning Manolo finally called the "poison- control- number" on the back of the flea- medicine box, and it seems that receiving complaints about their product was really nothing new to those guys. The Lady advised us to wash both dogs with dish soap, to get the greasy stuff completely out of their hair and skin. We rushed to the bathroom, and started with Kitry, who HATES baths. To our surprise, she must have realized that this time it will actually be to her benefit to get cleaned, since she cooperated like a pro! While I started blow drying Kitry (a process that takes easily 1.5 hours), Manolo grabbed Fiby and bathed her.
They got better pretty soon after that, but kept us both up until about eight in the morning. Manolo stayed home from work for the morning, and by the time we had to both go they were back to their old selves - with INCREDIBLE hair from the dish soap!
The product we used is called "sentry pro", and I do recommend for all dog owners to stay away from it. Had it been only one of our dogs, I would have believed that it was an allergic reaction to some ingredient. But for both to have the same reaction, I do believe that there is something seriously wrong with the product.
Both of them are well again - we took them to the vet, and he declared them healthy and happy.
A few days later I cooked one of my German dishes - thin slices of beef, seasoned with salt, pepper, garlic and mustard, small pieces of ham, rolled up and cooked. Very, very good. Keeping the roll from opening, I stick a toothpick through the meat. I must have forgotten to tell Manolo about it, because as we ate he started making strange noises and bent over as he was choking on a pointy object.
Needless to say - he now believes that he lives with a serial killer, who first tried to kill his kids, and now moved on to him! It's kind of funny to see him looking at his dinner plate before eating lately! I can see his mind wondering... looking at the food, looking at me... at the food, at me...! It is especially funny if I quote lines like:" Do you still hear the lambs cry, Manolo!?"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Educational, informative and entertaining post.
Well written.