Let me start by saying this: I don't care if you are female or male, gay or straight (or anything in between), young or old. If you missed Saturday's premiere of the Lifetime movie "Prayers for Bobby", WATCH IT AS SOON AS YOU CAN!!! I am not saying this to promote a tear jerker, but because it is an amazing story about an inspirational journey that provides insight into the lives of - god knows how many - families out there.
I am very critical of "gay" things, and am generally tired of gay movies that reflect only the negative sides of our lives. AIDS, rejection, hatred, discrimination. For the most part I just wonder why nobody makes a gay film about a happy couple, or about a great relationship with ups and downs - basically a movie that could apply to the average straight couple just as well. Or I would love to see a gay couple in a commercial for some random household item. Just to be shown in a "normal" situation; but as long as we show only the "ab-normal" sides of it, we really can't expect others to look past them.
That being said, this latest movie made me think. It is damn easy for me to say "just give me something "normal"", when the sad reality is that AIDS, rejection, hatred and discrimination are things that a lot of people out there have to deal with on a daily basis. I might not face those issues in my life, but we know that a large number of people are not that lucky. And if a movie like the one just shown can make even ONE un-accepting parent think, or ONE catholic question the bible, or make ONE gay man or lesbian woman decide not to jump off that bridge, than we moved yet another step in the right direction.
So - get a bottle of wine, some cubes of cheese, crackers and grapes and tissues and turn on "Lifetime." If they play it on weekdays at nine, you can just stay tuned, go right into "Will and Grace" at eleven and have an entirely GAY evening!!!